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国行HTC 10仅卖出251台 老外如是说
2016-05-06 07:23:02 出处:快科技 作者: 万南编辑:万南 点击可以复制本篇文章的标题和链接

国行HTC 10即LifeStyle在换用了骁龙652之后遭遇不少非议,国外网友也注意到这一点,今天,多个外媒刊文报道此事。

按照Focus的统计,HTC 10在最大的两个电商网站天猫和京东的合计预定量目前只有251部,可谓凄惨。

国行HTC仅卖出251台 老外如是说


Android Authority:

Aweso:So they turned their expensive high end phone into a very expensive mid-ranger...(愣是把旗舰变成了超级贵的中端手机……)

Goran:To be honest....that 10(sd820) is the best htc phone in 2 years and only one worth even mentioning. And least overpriced of them all. Compare A9, X9 or terrible one S9....10 is cheap for htc standards.:)(HTC10是两年多来最好的HTC手机,想想看A9、S9这些坑爹价手机,难道HTC 10称不上良心吗?PS:这位看来是肠粉,但你也强调是骁龙820版,国行可真不是啊,亲

Minh Ngo:Selling a flagship with toned down hardware always gets backlash from the press and buyers.(把旗舰机减配的做法通常没有好果子


Reza.N:It's beacause they don't like the lifestyle version.they want the Snapdragon 820 version(他们就是想要骁龙820版而已

Flame_Hunter:I think it's not the main reason, chinese people are not so much interested from any product that came from outside china, there are a lot to Chinese oem from mainland china that are more cheap than the one stated in the article.(中国人似乎对但凡国际牌子都看不大上眼

zunaidahmed:Chinese people only know 3 brands, Guochan(local brand is Chinese pinyin), Sanxing (Samsung) and pingguo( Apple ), unless you ask someone with a deep knowledge in tech in China, or this is the only three (technically more the 3) that exists there(中国人只知道国产、三星和苹果 PS:这应该是中国通或者本地人吧

manojmcn:HTC - Heading Towards Collapse :((HTC,走向灭亡

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